New York

Hubon Mangunguma performed in New York during the 120th Philippine Independence Day. Hubon Mangunguma displayed not just the beauty of San Lorenzo but brought the Province of Guimaras on international level. They portrayed the colourful festival of the Province, the Manggahan Festival.

Municipality of San Lorenzo is rich in heritage with colourful art and culture. Through dance and music, the unique identity of San Lorenzo was shown. The performance during the parade in New York was done successfully through the collaborative efforts of the municipal and provincial government and tourism office of San Lorenzo. The Hubon Mangunguma proved that San Lorenzo is more than just a tourist attraction but home of talented San Lorenzohanons.


The rhythmic and cultural dance performance of Hubon Mangunguma took place on the dance scene at Yoyogi Park, Tokyo, Japan during the celebration of “Pasko ng Bayan” last November 30 to December 1, 2019. The one hour performance showed off the spirit of happiness, immense joy and vibrant culture of San Lorenzo.

The stage comes alive after the colourful performance immersed in the rich culture of Filipino. Performers showcased our local tradition along to the rhythm of the festive music. The dance served as the language of every San Lorenzohanon as San Lorenzo’s aesthetic culture and values are embodied in the performance.  Ganbarimashita ne!